Furrow Plough

Agricultural furrow plough, also known as a moldboard plow or simply a plow, is a traditional and widely used implement in agriculture for tilling the soil. It is designed to break up and turn over the top layer of soil, creating furrows or trenches that are used for planting crops or preparing the land for further cultivation.

The furrow plough consists of several key components. The main part is the plowshare, which is a curved metal blade that cuts into the soil. The plowshare is attached to a frame called the plow beam, which is usually made of wood or metal. The plow beam connects to a handle or bar known as the plow handle, which allows the farmer or operator to guide and control the plow.

One of the distinctive features of the furrow plough is the moldboard, which is a curved metal plate positioned behind the plowshare. As the plowshare cuts through the soil, the moldboard turns over the soil and buries any vegetation or crop residue, effectively burying it beneath the newly turned soil.

The plow is typically pulled by a draft animal such as a horse or ox, although in modern agriculture, tractors are commonly used to pull larger and more mechanized plows. The plowshare is adjusted to a specific depth depending on the type of soil and the desired level of tillage.

Furrow ploughs are used for various purposes in agriculture. They are primarily used for primary tillage operations, which involve breaking up compacted soil, incorporating organic matter, and preparing the land for planting. By turning over the soil, the plow helps to aerate it, improve drainage, and create a loose seedbed for planting. Furrow plowing is particularly useful in regions with heavy clay or compacted soils.

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